You can easily use the following functions to manage tasks in Atlassian Jira:
Function Name | Function Content |
To Do - Completed
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Types of Requests
Task and subtask. A subtask must belong to a parent task.
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Summary, Request Type, Report to, Attachment, Due Date, Description, Responsible Person, Priority, Solution and Tags.
Priority Order
Highest, High, Medium, Low and Lowest.
There's a lot you can do with a few customizations in a task management project. Take a look at the table below for a few ideas on how you can use it and customize it to your needs.
Area of Use
Usage Method |
Which business project should I start with?
Task Management - This project provides a simple Workflow with statuses such as To Do and Completed, and accompanying Task and Subtask types.
How can I do this?
Create a task for each new employee Create a subtask for everything that needs to be done before the person starts. You might need to make sure a desk and chair are available, allocate a laptop, or make sure a building access card is issued.. Assign each subtask to the relevant person responsible for making sure it is done. Once they have completed their tasks, they can complete the subtask. Once all these subtasks are completed, you can mark the main task as Completed! Your new employee is ready to go! |
How will this look?
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Can I make this easy?
You might be thinking, "I don't want to create a bunch of subtasks every time I need someone!" You don't have to. Create a task that is associated with all the subtasks and name it Onboarding. When you need to onboard a new employee, find the task and use Jira Work Management's clone function to make a brand new task with all the related subtasks. By renaming the task, you know which new employee each task belongs to. You can even assign subtasks to the relevant people, so when you clone a task, Jira Work Management will automatically assign the tasks to the relevant people. |
Other customizations
You may decide that your onboarding needs to be more comprehensive, instead of just putting the physical pieces together for a new employee, you may want to have lunch with their team during their first week. Sign off on all your legal training or give them a tour of the building. You can customize your project workflow to your needs by assigning the main task to the person responsible for each step. You may decide to customize the existing fields in the task to make sure you record the information you need along the way (points in training, asset numbers for any equipment provided). You set up Jira Work Management to mimic how you do onboarding. It can be as complex or as simple as you want! |
Jira Work Management offers a range of reports that display information about specific people, projects, versions or issues.
The documentation in this section will help you configure and use reports in Jira Work Management.
To generate a report:
Go to the desired project and click Reports . Select a report from the list. For information on each report, see the 'Reports' section below.
Average Age Report
Shows the average age of unresolved issues for a project or filter. This helps you see if your backlog is kept up to date. |
Created vs Resolved Issues Report
Shows the average age of unresolved issues for a project or filter. This helps you see if your backlog is kept up to date. |
Pie Chart Report
Shows a pie chart of issues for a project or filter grouped by a specific field. This helps you see the breakdown of a set of issues at a glance. For example, you can create a chart to show issues grouped by Representative for a specific release in a project (using a filter). |
Recently Created Issues Report
It shows the number of issues created for a project or filter over a period of time and how many have been resolved. This helps you understand whether your team is keeping up with the work that's coming in. |
Resolution Time Report
Shows the time it takes to resolve a series of issues for a project or filter. This helps you identify trends and events that you can investigate further. |
Single Level Group By Report
Shows issues grouped by a specific field for a filter. This helps you group search results by a field and see the overall status of each group. |
Time Since Issues Report
For a date field and project or filter, maps issues to the date the field is set. This can help you track how many issues were created, updated, etc. during a given time period. |
Time Tracking Report *
Shows time tracking information about issues for a specific version of a project. |
User Workload Report *
Shows how much work is allocated to a user and how long it should take. For a specific user, you will be able to see the number of unresolved issues assigned to the specified user and the remaining workload on a per project basis. |
Version Workload Report *
Shows how much pending work there is (per user and issue) before a particular version is completed. For the specified version, you can see a list of unresolved issues assigned to each user, the workload of each user, and a summary of the total remaining workload for the version. |
Workload Pie Chart Report *
Shows the relative workload for assignees of all issues for a project or filter. |
Use Jira Work Management for Task Management
The most basic function for task management is to create a Workflow Chart.
There are two steps in the workflow:

Set due dates and reminders
You may want to set due dates and reminders for the type of tasks you are doing. The assignee will then be automatically notified when the task is due. If you become a follow-up, you will be reminded as well.
Create subtasks
If a task you add is actually a group of smaller tasks, you can create subtasks and assign them to different people. The task cannot be moved to "Done" status until all the subtasks are completed.
Recycle tasks
As tempting as it may be to recycle small recurring tasks and put them back in To Do, there is no need to do this. This will affect reporting for the project and your team won't get an accurate picture of how much they have completed. Instead, select •••> Clone and create a copy of the requests to ensure that you can record and report all work correctly.
Manage activities from the dashboard
Use the Jira Work Management dashboard to track unfinished tasks, add new ones, and check what has been done. The dashboard lets you quickly see what is overdue (if you use due dates) and who is assigned to tasks so you can follow up.
Customized requests
The following table shows the properties of the default requests in a task project. Jira Work Management administrators can customize these requests. For example, they can add other request types to the project or add new fields to this request type.
Request Type
Task and Subtasks
Request Fields
Summary, Request Type, Reportable Person, Attachment, Due Date, Description, Responsible Person, Priority, Solution and Tags |
Priority Order
Highest, High, Medium, Low and Lowest |
Customized requests
The following table shows the properties of the default requests in a task project. Jira Work Management administrators can customize these requests. For example, they can add other request types to the project or add new fields to this request type.
A process management project is an example of a project with a slightly more complex workflow that you can set up in Jira Work Management. The workflow shows an example of how you can create, advance, review, approve, and finally complete your work. If you're interested in getting more out of your workflows, contact us for some ideas on what you can do with your workflows to get the most out of Jira Work Management.
Your process management project is set up like this by default:
Your work is carried in Open> In Progress> Under Review> Approved> Completed statuses, but there are options to revert work to its previous status via Rejected and Canceled. ![]() |
Request Types |
See home and subtask. A subtask must belong to a parent task
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Summary, Request Type, Report to, Attachment, Due Date, Description, Responsible Person, Priority, Solution and Tags |
Priority Order
Highest, High, Medium, Low and Lowest |
Processes can be as complex or as simple as you need them to be, and Jira Work Management lets you do just that. For more ideas on what you can do, check out our example for some tips.
Usage Area
Purchasing - Creating and submitting a business case for approval
Which business project should I start with?
Process Management - This provides you with a workflow with Open> In Progress> Under Review> Approved> Completed statuses and accompanying Task and Subtask types.
How do I do this?
What will this look like?
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Can I make this easier?
Yes! You can use many of the functions in Jira Work Management, especially comments and mentioning other people, to make sure you have all the information you need to complete the business case. Assigning a task to the right people at the right time as it progresses through the workflow will ensure that the task always appears on their to-do list, and if notifications are set up, they'll even receive an email letting them know it's ready.
Other customizations
You may decide to change the workflow. You may need to add a second approver. You may also consider automatically assigning the task to the right person as it progresses through the workflow. You may consider adding different issue types for each type of work case you accept, and assigning a specific, dedicated workflow to each issue type. Jira Work Management lets you do this.
Atlassian References